Friday, May 25, 2012


Even though I've been home the past few days I've kinda been in another world. Today I'm 4dp5dt...I caved and tested with a cheapie from the $1 store this dumb...of course it was negative. Supposedly it was supposed to be fairly sensitive but who knows.  I've been getting AF like cramping here and there. I don't really know what it means if anything. Last night I actually had cramps the woke me up (I'm not quite sure if they woke me up or I woke up and had them lol) But aside from that its been in my back. Nothing crazy though. I had a really crappy sleep last night. Every hour I kept waking up and I don't know I just felt weird. I dont know why the past 2 days I've kinda just felt down in the dumps. I guess I'm just scared/nervous. I'm scared to be optomistic and have everything crushed. Idk. I've been talking to my little sweet peas everyday and praying every night. Even dh talks to them a few times a day.  He tells them to stick stick stick!!!


  1. hi. from the bottom of my heart i want to wish you i hope this IVF will be your last and you will get your baby! after reading your first post i wanted to tell you exactly what the second doctor told you about your PCOS and the IUI's the first doctor put you through. i also wanted to let you know that i also was diagnosed in 2006 with PCOS and then in 2011, after having learned how to control my blood sugar levels and exercising i was down to micropolycystic. now it's completely gone. :) also IUI's are a waste of money when the morphology or even the motility isn't good.
    afm- we are going to go for round 2 of IVF in august if we don't get pregnant on our own.
    good luck to you and be patient. don't test too early. :)

  2. Thank you so much for your positive thoughts. PCOS is the pits!!! I wish you the best of luck!

  3. Thank you for making this journal/blog and sharing with everyone. I'm at this point and it makes my pains sound normal, and it gives me hope!!! Thanks again.

    1. Did you just go through IVF? If so what day are you? I had the weirdes aches and pains
