Friday, June 1, 2012


I apologize for disappearing this past week or so.  I didn't know who was following my blog and I hadn't told some family members yet.  Last Saturday at 5dp5dt I got my first very faint positive on a FRER. On Tuesday my doctor did my beta because I told them I had a positive test and it came back as 69 and they did it 72 hours later and said it should double and it came back today as 152.  So right now I am cautiously pregnant.  I am still very nervous with the MTHFR and just miscarriage in general but I want to try to enjoy my pregnancy.  We are not officially announcing it to the rest of the family and friends till after my first the end of July. And the people that do know...parents, siblings, some close friends I have already told that I don't want anyone to buy anything till then also.  I will continue to update you guys every step and thank you for your support.  I go in for my next blood work on Monday!!!


  1. yay! I was so worried because you hadn't posted. Congratulations can't wait to find out how many are in there!
