Thursday, May 3, 2012

Go Ahead!!!

The doctor's office called before and I got the go ahead to start my stims tomorrow!!! Woohoo!!! Then I head in for a sono on Monday morning.  I'm trying to take this all one day at a time. The next thing on my mind is hoping on Monday all my follies are looking good and growing!!! Of course for some reason today though my MTHFR is creeping into my mind.  I'm just worried that taking more folic acid isn't enough and I should be on baby asprin or something.  Even though I called my RE last week and he said I didn't need to be.  Obviously he knows what he is talking about I'm just so nervous to finally get my BFP and then miscarry. Even though I said above I'm going to take things day by day, let me emphasize that I'm going to TRY to do that. There's just so much to worry about...OHSS, not enough eggs at ER, not enough eggs fertilized, eggs that aren't great quality for transfer, then waiting for that BFP, and if I get it worrying about miscarrying. I'm just a worry machine and as much as I need to be positive, I think with all of those things that I'm allowed to be worried.

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