The day I turned 35 weeks I had one of my preterm labor appointments. The weekend prior I had been feeling crappy but hey, I was huge and carrying 2 babies. I went to my apt an the nurse kept staring at me. At that point I started getting nervous. After my 45 minutes on the contraction belt, she was like you need to call your've had 7 contractions in 45 min. I was like what??? I felt a little tightening but nothing I thought was contractions. So I called my dr and he said to come into the hospital and see if today was baby day. When I got there the nurses were convinced I was dehydrated but after giving my 2 bag of fluid the contractions kept coming and getting stronger. I started to feel them a little more. The resident came in and said I was 1 cm but I had already been for about a week. My doctor came in about a half an hour later and said I was 3cm and it was time to deliver these babies. I immediately started hysterical crying. I was scared. I was scared they would have to go into the NICU and they weren't going to be ok. About 2 hours later they took me in for my C-section which ended up being very traumatizing. When they were about to give me my spinal (dh wasn't in the room yet) I asked if it hurt and the dr said getting blood taken was worse. He was wrong. When he put the needle in I felt him moving it and then he hit a nerve. My leg shot out and I experienced the worst pain I ever felt...and then it happened 5 seconds later. So after that I started to get numb and he told me I would get numb up to my belly button. Well it went past that and into my chest and arms. When I told the dr that he yelled to them to turn the anesthesia down...they had given me too much. With that my body went into shock and I started throwing up everywhere. As if I wasn't already scared enough. But after all that at 5:39 PM my miracles came 30 seconds apart. Colin Anthony and Lily Elizabeth were born. I wasn't able to see them or hold them because they had to go right down to the NICU. My doctor told me I must have been in labor for a few days already and had no idea. They said with twins sometimes you don't feel contractions as much. They had to pull Colin up from the birth canal. Colin was born 4lbs 12 oz 17 3/4 inches and Lily was born 4lbs 6 oz and 18 1/4 inches. They next 20 days were the worst of my life because my angels were in the NICU. In the next few days I will tell you all about it...until then here are some pictures of them my husband was able to take right after they were born. They look big in the pictures but I can't even begin to explain how tiny they were. Here they are!!!
DH and I when we found out they were coming today!!!
Right before my C-Section