Friday, June 29, 2012

8 weeks and counting

Yesterday we went for our 8 week sono (today we are 8 weeks 2 days).  The doctor said both babies look healthy and have strong heartbeats.  We go back in 2 weeks for our next appt.  I wish 12 weeks would be here so I could breathe a little easier.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Sorry its been like almost two weeks since I've has been a little crazy. Well today we are officially 8 weeks and the babies are the size of raspberries.   Last Thursday we had our last fertility appt. It was so bitter sweet. It was nice to know we were progressing enough to continue on but I love that doctors office and I'm going to miss them.  But we were able to hear both of the babies heartbeats.  It was so surreal.  Its crazy to think I have  3 heartbeats inside of me right now.  The same day I also had my first OB appt.  He just pretty much sat us down and discussed everything. We were given a due date of February 6th but were also told they can come as early as 4 weeks from January 9th on...its go time. We have our 8 week sono tomorrow night and then we don't go back till 12 weeks.  We were definitely spoiled getting to go to the dr every week.  It was just nice to be reassured that everything was ok and get to see them and how they're growing.  So 4 weeks is going to be a long time for me.  The picture I'm posting is from last week's sono and I will post tomorrows ASAP....I promise. This week all started the dreaded morning sickness...which is pretty much anytime sickness...I mostly feel sick mid-day to right now   I feel totally nauseous...blech!!! Thats all for now, I will update tomorrow!!!

Friday, June 15, 2012

What a CrAzY week...

So on Monday DH went to go give me my progesterone shot and noticed my butt was all red and raised.  So I called the RE the next morning and they asked me to come in. Apparently I have cellutitus which is a bacterial infection that can get really bad if not treated quick enough or on time.  So they put me on antibiotics and I have to do hot compresses 3 times a day. So Wednesday night was my last night of shots and I started suppositories.  Of course they're irritating me though lol.  We went in for our next sono this morning and now we were able to see both yolk sacs, both fetal poles, AND BOTH HEARTBEATS!!! We weren't expecting to see them so that was a pleasant surprise. The nurse said they were measuring 5 weeks 6 days even though I'm 6 weeks 2 I immediately stressed but she said since its so early it's totally normally and they look great!!!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

2 little sweetpeas

Here are my 2 little sweetpeas :)

2 for the price of 1???

Yesterday dh and I went for out  first u/s. I was soooo nervous because I was praying we would be able to see a gestational sac in the uterus like we were supposed to.  They did an internal and I was so relieved to hear from the nurse that she saw a beautiful gestational sac. Then....I coughed. The nurse all of a sudden was like ummm....and there's a second one. Dh and I were as shocked as you are.  We're having TWINS!!! They saw 2 gestational sacs and in sac a she could already see a yolk sac and said she thought she could start to see one in sac b.  I read you usually see the yolk sac's around 5 1/2 to 6 weeks, so I guess they're doing good.  We go in for our next u/s on Friday and she said by then we should be able to see our little sweet peas. She said they will look like tiny little tic tacs. I hope we can see the heartbeats but she said we can assume we won't see them to our sono the following week at 7 weeks. Then after that if everything is ok then we will be released to our OBGYN.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

5 weeks and 1 day

Well yesterday I was officially 5 weeks pregnant. Woot Woot!!! I went in for my 4th beta today. My levels went up from 456 to 1185  :)  So that's definitely making me feel better.  When the nurse called today she actually said now we can do a sono, so I have my first sonograms scheduled for tomorrow morning at 9:30.  I'm happy dh can take the train into a different station so he can come.  I don't expected to see much tomorrow. We'll probably only be able to see the sac.  But that's something that will make me feel so much better.  Actually seeing the sac in the uterus where it belongs.  I'll update tomorrow and let you guys know how it goes!!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

3rd Beta

I went in for my 3rd beta levels went up from 152 to 456...woo hoo!!! So my numbers actually tripled!!!  I'm going in for my next beta on Thursday and I'm hoping for my first sono next week.  So far the only real symptoms I have a period like cramps and yawning alllll the time. Friday night and Saturday afternoon I got a quick sharp pain on my right side so naturally I assume the worst. I can't wait for my first sono because I need to assure myself this isn't ectopic or anything like that because since we all know I'm an online research freak I've been worried about my cramping (even though I read its normal) and the sharp pains and  since ectopic pregnancies are more common with IVF.  Then crazy me, we went to a wedding on Sunday night and for like 10-15 min I like danced around and of course then I worried that I did something because they tell you not  jump around or anything strenuous.  DH assured me I didn't jump around but being a crazy lady I worry. At least once I get the sono I can hopefully get the ectopic worry out of my mind.  Then its just the normal Mommy worries :)

Friday, June 1, 2012


I apologize for disappearing this past week or so.  I didn't know who was following my blog and I hadn't told some family members yet.  Last Saturday at 5dp5dt I got my first very faint positive on a FRER. On Tuesday my doctor did my beta because I told them I had a positive test and it came back as 69 and they did it 72 hours later and said it should double and it came back today as 152.  So right now I am cautiously pregnant.  I am still very nervous with the MTHFR and just miscarriage in general but I want to try to enjoy my pregnancy.  We are not officially announcing it to the rest of the family and friends till after my first the end of July. And the people that do know...parents, siblings, some close friends I have already told that I don't want anyone to buy anything till then also.  I will continue to update you guys every step and thank you for your support.  I go in for my next blood work on Monday!!!