Friday, May 25, 2012


Even though I've been home the past few days I've kinda been in another world. Today I'm 4dp5dt...I caved and tested with a cheapie from the $1 store this dumb...of course it was negative. Supposedly it was supposed to be fairly sensitive but who knows.  I've been getting AF like cramping here and there. I don't really know what it means if anything. Last night I actually had cramps the woke me up (I'm not quite sure if they woke me up or I woke up and had them lol) But aside from that its been in my back. Nothing crazy though. I had a really crappy sleep last night. Every hour I kept waking up and I don't know I just felt weird. I dont know why the past 2 days I've kinda just felt down in the dumps. I guess I'm just scared/nervous. I'm scared to be optomistic and have everything crushed. Idk. I've been talking to my little sweet peas everyday and praying every night. Even dh talks to them a few times a day.  He tells them to stick stick stick!!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Transfer Day

Sorry it's been a few days, but I was on bed rest at my Mom's house after the transfer and I didn't have my comp there and its really annoying to type this all on your phone. Sooo Monday was my transfer and all went well. They transferred 2 blasts that the doctor said were perfect and they were actually already hatching!!! So i spent the next 2 days on bedrest...afraid to sneeze. Now the terrible 2 week wait has ensued. I had a doctor appt at my RE today to get a sono and bloodwork to see how many ovaries were doing. They said the fluid went down but my ovaries are still huge. So they want me to continue drinking gaterade, v8, and taking my medicine. I have to wait to see what they say later today about my bloodwork and what the doctor said about the sono and I guess I get my next instructions from there. So as of right now I'm 3dp5dt ( 3 days past 5 day transfer) and I should be getting my beta June 4th (11 days). I knowwwww I'll crack and test before then. I'm actually thinking about testing Sunday when I'm 6dp5dt (technically I'm like a day ahead because my eggs were hatching early. I have noticed people start getting their bfp at 5dp5dt so my fingers are crossed.

Friday, May 18, 2012

5 Day Transfer

So the doctor called back and they said I'm on for a 5 day transfer on Monday. I still have 12 little eggies!!! The said 9 of them are really good. 3 of them are 5 cell, 6 are 4 cell, 1 is 3 cell, 1 is 2pn, and 1 is compact.

Another Bump?

Well the doctors office called yesterday and 13 of the eggs fertilized nomrally...which is still a great number. Most of the pain has subsided. I'm a little crampy and I still have a little spotting but I can't seem to go number 2!!! I went in for my sono and bloodwork this morning because when the doctors office called me the other day they told me because he took out so many follies, he didn't want me to get OHSS. So they gave me a new medicine, they said no water, 1 glass of V8 a day and 6 glasses of gatorade a day. So when they did my sono they told me I have fluid around my ovaries and that they are both huge and are pretty much touching.  So they have to have my RE look at the sono and see what my blood work results are because this might effect my transfer.  I've been so bummed out all morning since I found this out. It just seems like there's always another bump in the road.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

21 Little Eggies

So yesterday was my egg retrieval. I was in a lot of pain yesterday when I got home, so that's why I didn't write anything. They ended up getting 21 eggs!!! Now to just pray they were mature and fertilized. I'm waiting to hear back today to find out how many fertilized and tomorrow I will find out their grading. I took today off of work to relax because I'm still in a little pain. 48 hour bed rest is going to be hard for me because I can't sit still.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

One Day Away

I had to go back into the Re's office this morning to get blood work to make sure the HCG shot was done correctly and it's in my system.  My Mom's husband who's a pharmacist actually did it for me. Poor guy lol. So now I'm just one day away...20 hours and 15 min to be exact. But who's counting?? I can't believe it is finally here.  I just hope they find a lot of eggs of good quality and that they fertilize.  I'll keep you updated tomorrow!!!

Monday, May 14, 2012


I had my 4th sono and bloodwork this morning and they told me my lining looked great and i had 17 good size follicles!!! The had said they would call me and let me know if I needed one more night of meds or if I would trigger tonight. Welllll I'm triggering tonight!!!! I have to take my trigger shot at 10 P.M. tonight.  Tomorrow i have to go back into the doctors for blood work just to confirm the trigger is  in my body and the shot was done correctly and then Wednesday morning I head in to have my egg retrieval done!!! The ER is at 9 A.M but we have to be there at 8 so John can give his sample, they can get me all ready, and of course so we can pay. I can't believe it's finally here. I hope I get a lot eggs and they all look great. I'm sooooo nervous and excited all at the same time!!! Eeeekkk!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Last Night of Stims???

So I went to the RE's today for my 3rd sono and bloodwork.  He said everything looked good (he didn't say how many follicles though). He said he wanted me to do one more night of meds (tonight), and I have to go back in tomorrow for another sono and some more bloodwork. He's hoping tonight will be my last night of meds, tomorrow I'll trigger, and then Wednesday I will be going in for my ER.  Fingers crossed.  I can't believe this is all happening!!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

2nd Stimulated Sono

Sono number 2 down!! I went in for my second stimulated sono yesterday.  They said they saw about 16 follicles.  My biggest was almost 13. My lining was 11.9. I was a little worried it was getting too thick (if thats possible? I've read conflicting things on this). But the nurse assured me that everything was looking great. The called me back later on in the day to tell me that my bloods came back ok and to stay on the same dosages of medicine. So I'm still on the 10 of Lurpon, 112.5 of Gonal F, and 1 vial of Menopur. I have to go back on Sunday for my 3rd sono. I'm supposed to weigh myself everyday to make sure I'm not over stimulating.  They said if you go up lik 3-5lbs to let me know. I was up a pound from yesterday so of course I had a mini panic attack that I'm starting to over stimulate.  I'm hoping since my next sono is on Mothers Day that it might bring me some good luck that I'll have a healthy little munchkin for Mothers Day next year. I can't believe my egg retrival is less then a week away and in less then a week and a half those eggies will be back in me.  Stick Eggies, Stick!!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

1st Stimulated Sono

Yesterday I had my first sonogram since I started my stims on Friday. I went in there with my normal million question and I don't know if the nurse was having a bad day or whatever by she seemed annoyed so I didn't ask too many questions about the sono. She said everything looked great. My lining is 7.7 (day 4 of stims but before i took stims for that day). I read once its over 7 its good. She said my largest follicle was 10.8 but that was good for the day I was on.  The ended up changing my meds because they said I have a lot of follicles and they dont want me to over stimulate. So the Lupron is the same.  They dropped the Gonal F from 150 to 112.5 and they started me on 1cc of Menopur. I think Menopur is just to mature the eggs. So I took that last night, tonight, and tomorrow night and then I go in for my next sono on Thursday morning. Hopefully my follies are growing nice and big (not too big lol) and I will be able to stop my stims on Sunday and hopefully trigger Monday!!! So crazy its here already. I have been freaking out a lot lately about my MTHFR. I keepy just feeling like folguard wont be enough but I asked again on Monday and they assured me I didn't need baby asprin or any other blood thiners. Plus on Saturday we got a bill from the Hospital saying we also owe another $1200 facility fee, which is due next week.  I have NO IDEA where we are going to pull this money from and that is completely stressing me. I'm praying so of DH's paid detail checks come in soon. Otherwise we are in BIG trouble.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Go Ahead!!!

The doctor's office called before and I got the go ahead to start my stims tomorrow!!! Woohoo!!! Then I head in for a sono on Monday morning.  I'm trying to take this all one day at a time. The next thing on my mind is hoping on Monday all my follies are looking good and growing!!! Of course for some reason today though my MTHFR is creeping into my mind.  I'm just worried that taking more folic acid isn't enough and I should be on baby asprin or something.  Even though I called my RE last week and he said I didn't need to be.  Obviously he knows what he is talking about I'm just so nervous to finally get my BFP and then miscarry. Even though I said above I'm going to take things day by day, let me emphasize that I'm going to TRY to do that. There's just so much to worry about...OHSS, not enough eggs at ER, not enough eggs fertilized, eggs that aren't great quality for transfer, then waiting for that BFP, and if I get it worrying about miscarrying. I'm just a worry machine and as much as I need to be positive, I think with all of those things that I'm allowed to be worried.

No Cysts!!! (Insert Happy Dance)

I went for my baseline sono and bloodwork this morning and no cysts!!!! woot woot!!! She said my lining looked great, just how they want it and then she took a look at my ovaries.  There were thankfully no cysts and there was 12 follicles on the left ovary and 10 on the right so a nice total of 22!!! So as of right now, I have to wait for the nurse from the doctors office to call and confirm that everything was ok with bloodwork...estrogen levels...etc and if it is I can start my stims tomorrow!! Woo hoo!!! As of right now I'll knock my lupron down from 20 to 10 and then I will be taking 150 of Gonal F. Then I will head in bright and early Monday morning for my first sonogram to see how those follicles are doing. I'm totally happy with the number. I really don't wany many more because I don't want to over stimulate. I just want these ones to GROW, GROW, GROW!!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Fast Forward

Ok, so the doctor's office just called and asked if I can come in for my baseline tomorrow instead of Friday. One part of me is like thank God because I don't want to wait anymore and the other part of me made my nervousness and anxiety shoot through the roof. I'm so nervous what they're going to say. I had talked to them yesterday because I had a question about medicine and the nurse had told me if the cyst was still there then I wouldn't be able to start my stims. She said let me check your chart.  She said the first time they saw it it was 4cm...the second time it was it had shrunk like 75%.  She said with your period you got, it should be gone. I REALLY REALLY hope it is because I don't want to have to push stims back because that pushes everything else back. I'm sooooo nervous!!!! If I can start my stims im pretty sure it still wont be till Friday even though my baseline is tomorrow. Fingers crossed!!!